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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How To Start A Blog? What Is Blog? How To Create A Blog Website? Define Briefly Make Money From Blog

Now Website or Blog creation is not tough as compare to two or three years ago. You can make your personal and public blog and website own self after following the below steps through the guide. You can make any type of blog on any topic, subject in any language. Blogging and website creation now available in any language through the any language supporting all the popular browser without any doubt.

Now the question is that which platform gives me a free blogging. So now hundreds of blogging platform available so far. But I short out list of best and popular web platform to create a blog.
For that you don’t make any request to anyone it’s free of cost. The thing is that if you are note well-known programming (Simple HTML code) than Blogger is the best for you otherwise you can build your blog in wordpress with free or pro (Hosting) website or blog.

Step by Step guide to create a blog – Start a blog guide

            1. Blogger platform
           Google is providing blogging service in free word wide without any verification. You can access                     blogger account using your Gmail login details (EamiId and Password).


            2. Wordpress platform

            Why Wordpress is the best?

            The reason behind use wordpress as a blog and website platform causes it providing free SEO plug-in in free. That helps to keep visitor crowd on your blog. Wordpress is fully open source and its support PHP language. You can customize through the modification of code using the basic knowledge of PHP.
If you are interested to become professional in blogging then I recommend using wordpress as blogging platform.

You can also use other web platform to start blog in free: Look other web and blogging platforms.
Best SEO plug-in for Wordpress and Blogger as blogging platform to get traffic on web.

Give your reviews in below comment box. we will be glad to help you.

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