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Sunday, 29 December 2013

Delete, change or re-format the "Showing posts with label" message.

This article explains options for deleting, or changing the content or formatting of Blogger's "Showing posts with  LABEL.  Show all posts" message and it's ugly grey box.

If your blog has a Layout or Designer template, then when a person who is reading it chooses a label value, Blogger displays a page with (a summary of) your most recent posts with that label.

If there are more posts that Blogger is willing to show on one page, then there will also be "older posts" and "newer posts" links at the bottom of the page.

And - unless you have removed it - there will also be a message at the top of the page saying "Showing posts with label yourLabel. Show all posts"

Reader actions that cause a visitor to see this message include:
  • Clicking a label value that is displayed in your post header or footer
    (unless you have turned them off in the Layout > Blog Posts edit option).
  • Clicking a link that you have manually set up to show posts with a specific label (eg if you have used a Pages gadget to make a menu bar, and one of the options in it has a value like

Unfortunately Blogger does not provide any way to customize or configure this message.
But it is easy enough to totally delete it, or to change the formatting, or to change the text..

How to delete the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

There are two ways that you can remove the "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.

Option 1:   Remove the code totally.   

To do this,

1  Edit your template in the usual way

2  Find the following text
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

3   Delete that text and replace it with
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

(If you just delete the text and do not put the replacement in, then it is possible that Blogger will add that section back in again later.)

Option 2:  Hiding the message using CSS

To do this, add  this CSS rule to your template in the usual way:
.status-msg-body {
display: none;
(This approach is less risky because you do not need to edit your template, and because it's easier to change later.   But some people have reported that on their template, it has not worked.)

How to change the format of the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

Some people don't mind the actual  "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.   But they want to format it in a way that suits their blog's layout and colour scheme.

This is easily done, by adding some extra CSS rules to your template in the usual way.

To change the format of the message text, use rules like this:
.status-msg-body {
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.4;   
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
padding: 0.5em 0.3em;
width: 100%;

To change the grey-shaded background or the box:
.status-msg-wrap {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;   /*  keep the auto statement if the width is less than 100%, so the box is centered */
position: relative;

There are a wide range of options - check with CSS reference guides for the options.   You may need to carry out some experiments with your template and how it looks with various options to decide on the best combination for your blog.

How to change the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

There are several ways that you can change the text in the "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.

Option 1:   Just replace it with some text

To show a sentence of your own instead of Blogger's standard message, 

1  Edit your template in the usual way

2  Find the following text
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

3   Replace the line in bold (ie <data:navMessage/> ) with your own words.

For example, you might say
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
Posts in this category include (use the Older Posts link to see previous posts):
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

To show the searched-for label value in your message, you need to use the   <data:blog.searchLabel/>   tag. For example, you might say
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
Posts about <data:blog.searchLabel/>  include (use the Older Posts link to see previous posts):
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Note:  if you are going to use this tag, then you need to choose your label values very carefully, so that they all make sense.   For example, in one blog I have some posts labelled "For quiz organizers" and others labelled "Finance", "Organisation" etc.    There is no way that I can write a sentence including the labels that makes sense for both of these.

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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Download Blogger Templates For Blogspot Blog Free With SEO Friendly And Responsive

Hi, Blogger and Webmaster, I hope you will find the perfect match of your search. Today I am listing the best SEO friendly blogger templates collection in free. You can download from here and install in your blogger dashboard hopefully.

These templates contains all the features like SEO friendly, Adsense supported design, Responsive in any device. After installing these templates in your blog, I am sure it will give best look and feel in design and functionality that is never seen before this time.

Useful :Top best blogger theme template looks like Facebook: Facebook theme for blogger template

Why you have to use SEO friendly blogger templates?

The reason is simple you have to knew but don’t mind if you are newbie in blogging then you don’t know, SEO give more help in less effort that means you don’t have make extra effort to make your blog visible in search engine results.

What is in SEO blogger templates?

SEO supported templates design with powerful supporting your Meta tag, Meta name and Description about blog and each post in search engine. Finally your blog alexa rank will be increase and page rank is also. SEO templates also give perfect social sharing icon, related post.
If you are happy about my SEO friendly and Responsive best Blogger templates collection then share this post with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

List of best social sharing sites to increase blog traffic.
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Techniques for you blog
How to Install and Upload free blogger template from dashboard? 

SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 1 

SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 2
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 3
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 4
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 5
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 6
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 7
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 8
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 9
SEO Blogger Template
SEO Blogger Template 10

Recommended search terms for this post,

  • Free Best SEO friendly templates
  • Top 10 best blogger templates
  • Blogger templates for all devices, Mobile, Tablet
  • Professional blogger templates in free
  • Thanks for visiting!! Happy journey of blogging
  • Free blogger templates | free SEO responsive BlogSpot Templates | BlogSpot website Templates

How To Start A Blog? What Is Blog? How To Create A Blog Website? Define Briefly Make Money From Blog

Now Website or Blog creation is not tough as compare to two or three years ago. You can make your personal and public blog and website own self after following the below steps through the guide. You can make any type of blog on any topic, subject in any language. Blogging and website creation now available in any language through the any language supporting all the popular browser without any doubt.

Now the question is that which platform gives me a free blogging. So now hundreds of blogging platform available so far. But I short out list of best and popular web platform to create a blog.
For that you don’t make any request to anyone it’s free of cost. The thing is that if you are note well-known programming (Simple HTML code) than Blogger is the best for you otherwise you can build your blog in wordpress with free or pro (Hosting) website or blog.

Step by Step guide to create a blog – Start a blog guide

            1. Blogger platform
           Google is providing blogging service in free word wide without any verification. You can access                     blogger account using your Gmail login details (EamiId and Password).


            2. Wordpress platform

            Why Wordpress is the best?

            The reason behind use wordpress as a blog and website platform causes it providing free SEO plug-in in free. That helps to keep visitor crowd on your blog. Wordpress is fully open source and its support PHP language. You can customize through the modification of code using the basic knowledge of PHP.
If you are interested to become professional in blogging then I recommend using wordpress as blogging platform.

You can also use other web platform to start blog in free: Look other web and blogging platforms.
Best SEO plug-in for Wordpress and Blogger as blogging platform to get traffic on web.

Give your reviews in below comment box. we will be glad to help you.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Best Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites To Earn Money Online From Advertising On Website Or Blog

Adsense revenue is the best adsense program to earn money online by the help of below mentioned list as adsense revenue sharing sites for all time. Thousands of sites using this service and get huge income as a adsense publishers from that sites. To get approval as adsense publishers for your site you have to follow the rules and regulation in the process of adsense approval fast.

Best adsense revenues sharing sites

Adsense revenues sharing sites work as an adsense distributor in world wide. If you would to implement your adsense code on other sites on your publisher ID than your account will be ban in short of time by the google adsense automatically without any notice and declaration.
So please always follow the google adsense revenue terms and conditions and must be follow.

List of Best adsense publisher sites as revenue sharing sites

Way to approve your adsense account through the Youtube adsense partner program from here.

Blogger place second rank in Adsense revenue sites, because it has totally own blogging platform.

Hubpages gives more options in the valley of earning as ad publisher through the co partner like adsense, Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay. You can cover a high income through the Hubpages in short of time.

Squidoo works with charity. Squidoo pay the part of income from the ad networking to the social activity in world wide.

Xomba gives adsense on your site in place submitting the unique article on decent topics and worth full manner.

Flixya gives 100 percent income on ad through the blogging, Video and Photos. Flixya also good for to refer friends and get income policy. Flixya gives much more options to earn money online.

Lazzeo is the best social networking sites include best revenue sharing sites for all time.
Lazzeo helps to get more income with submit your adsense ad code in your profile.

Other Adsense revenue sharing sites:

Incoming search for this post:
  • Revenue sharing sites
  • Best revenue sharing sites in 2013 - 2014
  • Earn money online through Revenue sharing sites
  • Google adsense revenue sharing sites

Friends, I am helping guide in blogging, Computer and Internet. You can read our daily news letters on different subject. So subscribe out daily news letter’s through the mail.
Don’t miss to share this post on Facebook, Google and Twitter.

I Didn’t Receive Adsense Verification Pin On My Address.- Alternative Methods. How To Get Adsense Verification Pin?

If you are worry about your payment is on hold for the address variation using adsense PIN. If you are finding the answer of these are questions “How much time will take to receive Personal Identification number (PIN)”,”I am not receive PIN number from google adsense”,”I don’t receive pin number after 2-4 weeks of time duration”. And your payment will get on your register address that might be your home or office.
Adsence PIN verification do not received. What to do
Absence PIN verification do not received. What to do

What is threshold? Pin verification available on threshold

Threshold amount is eligibility to get income at the minimum cost and it’s totally depends on your country region. You can check your threshold amount for all country from here.

If you have been received your pin verification an envelope from google adsense then enter with carefully if you have done more than 3 attempt than your account will be block.

Be patience – Google adsense gives other option to solve PIN verification problem from your account. But it will be valuable automatically in your account under the Home > on hold (Details) > Please enter your PIN.

On what which time you will not receive PIN number
You mention your State, City name or village name, Area name, and well known region with postal code. All the necessary address details must be mention for any adsense publisher.

After Long time: I do not receive Adsense verification pin number. What I DO?

Please go through the below steps carefully and be happy from adsense verification pin.
1. Open you google adsense account.
2. Click on payment option under from the side bar
3. Otherwise Click link on “Please Enter your PIN”
4. You can also request for new pin number under this page after the 21 days (3 weeks).
5. You will get again new pin with new pin request on your address.
6. Otherwise you can verify manually using the other option that is available after the 21 days on the same page.
7. Click on that link, you can see another screen for address verification using the Publisher Id, name and other details fields. Enter the all the details with double check all the details.
8. But the most important for this is submit photo identification proof with scanned copy. That is also include name, Photo, Address.
9. Upload that scanned copy at a time and Submit successful to the google adsense team.
10. Now take a tea and rest 5 minute you must receive verification congratulation mail in your mail box.
11. Mow you never submit verification code to Google adsense in future.

This is the Google! Google adsense with bright future. If you like this helping post then don’t miss share this post on facebook, Twitter and Google+ using below options kindly.

Incoming search for this post,
  • Why adsense PIN needs? How to submit it?
  • I can’t receive adsense PIN after long time(2 – 3 weeks).
  • We don’t receive Pin number from google adsense Team on address.
  • Adsense PIN verification alternative technique

Friday, 13 December 2013

Best Professional Wallpaper for Iphone, Tab, Ipad and Mobile In Free

If you are searching the best wallpaper for mobile, android, And Iphone tablate device. Then this one is perfect article to download and choose best wallpaper suggestion for you.

Now I differentiate by its size and download count as best wallpaper all time for Iphone, Tablate and Android smart phone users in all time history.
Best wallpaper for All

You can see below wallpaper and you can download from its official site by click on available link in bottom of all the images.
Wallpaper gives aware some image in your personality for professional life of any mobile owner. Most of the mobile company gives its own wallpaper in preinstalled. But you can change that after download and set image as a wallpaper with crop and other option to give extra look effect in wallpaper.
As of my experience to find the best wallpaper some of the site gives direct download in your pc but some of only available for mobile by direct download image with selecting your model and company, Types of wallpaper you want to download.
Visit below list of website to find your beautiful wallpaper.

iDesign iPhone

iDesign gives millions+ wallpaper on different types of creative collection. iDesign contains 40+ categories collections. You can download any wallpaper in your PC hard drive then you can set in your smart phone after synchronies in your mobile with your PC.

IDesign Iphone


Poolga wallpaer store thousands of best wallpapers which are submitted by the best artist and creative designer over worldwide without any types of categorys.



Crackberry is one of the most successful sites for unknown downloader in free. Crackberry give 20+ different categories with number of wallpaper in each category.
Crackberry gives wallpaper in different size for your device resolution for batter viewing experience.


For Iphone Users
Iphone 5 and 5S
Iphone 5/5s
Iphone 5/5s
First Link
Second Link
Third Link
Fourth Link
Fifth Link
Iphone 4 and 4S
IPhone 4/4s
IPhone 4/4s
First Link
Second Link
Third Link
Fourth Link
Fifth Link

Iphone 3G and 3GS
Iphone 3/3g
Iphone 3/3g
First LinkSecond Link
Third Link
Fourth Link
Fifth Link
For more aware some tips and technology please subscribe our newsletters with email, we helping with new useful update in your mail box.

How to show AdSense ads that are non-standard sizes

This QuickTip is about AdSense's new custom-size-advertisement option, which lets you choose the height and width of each advertisement that you show on your site.

quick-tips logo
Today, AdSense announced that we can now make ad-units in any size that we want - within certain restrictions.  

They don't use the phase in the text of their announcement, but the post-URL for their says that this feature is  "the-next-evolution-of-responsive-ads" - so I guess it can be seen as part of the efforts to cater to mobile-readers and mobile site-publishers, even though these ads themselves don't adapt to according to the size of your visitor's screen.

What will custom-size text ads look like:

For text ads, AdSesne, will work out the best number of text ads to show in each ad-block, and the individual ads will be shown the same way they that the look inside the standard ad-sizes.

Note that they say
"For unique ad unit sizes, our system will need some time before it can optimize the number of ads shown."

My guess is that this means that initially they will just fit a standard text-unit ad within your custom size, but may manage to figure how how to fit in more content over time, as they observe what display options make most money for you (and thus for them).

What will custom-size display ads look like:

For display ads (ie ones that show pictures which the advertiser has created), AdSense will work out the best size ad to show in the custom space that you select; the only guarantee is that "the selected ad will not be larger than the space requested".

There are some accompanying  rules about maximum and minimum AdSense ad-unit sizes, and any custom ad size that doesn't satisfy these restrictions simply won't appear on a page.  These rules may change (so do go and check the official version) - but to start with they say that:
  • Only one dimension can be greater than 300 pixels
  • The minimum width is 120 pixels
  • The minimum height is 50 pixels
  • Neither height nor width can exceed 1200 pixels.

One more point:   a while after the 300x600 ad-unit was introduced, they also added a rule saying there could be no more than one of these units per page.   With custom ads, they simply say:
As always, please use your best judgement when using custom-sized ad units; ad units similar in size to the 300x600 ad format will be subject to similar placement restrictions.

How to create a custom-sized AdSense advert for Blogger

  1. Log into using your AdSense account.
  2. Start to create an ad unit in the usual way,
  3. Select "Custom ad size" from the Ad size drop-down and enter the width and height that you want for for your ad unit.
  4. Copy and paste the ad code into the HTML source code provided by AdSense, and add it to your blog in the usual way.

Note: you will only be able to do this if you have gone through the full AdSense sign-up process. If you do not have a custom-domain and signed up for AdSense after the fast-track process for hosted-content was introduced, then your only option is to choose standard ad-sizes from the regular Add-a-gadget > Adsense process.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

What Is SEO? And How It Is Work? And How Can Increase It?

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) means you have to make your site visible in tens of popular search engine and hundreds of small search engine. For you have make user friendly strategy to get unique visitor which are coming on your site through the any medium like search engine, Social sites.

SEO tips and Tricks

Why we use SEO strategy:

At the starting stage of any web master and site owner promote your site on offline mode or online mode to expand own business. Online promotion is works with seo(Search Engine Optimization).
If your site getting onetime best seo score then you have no worry about page rank and Get Number of backline, Alexa Rank. You can get more number by using SEO day by day.

Social Media Support

Social media is the best role to increase your site performance on web. Now day’s you can generate your target visitor by using Facebook, Google+, and twitter, Stumbleupon.

Content power is the best way to increase your SEO speedy.

For that you have learn explanation theme and to become best writher we have to follow some popular writer and blogger. This kind of activity makes your post more beautiful to readers. We have to define with some example and technically thought that make your post make bookmark in visitors mind. Otherwise visitors always ignore your site after one visit.

Post description in each post

Post description is useful for the search engine this makes to get your post in first page of google, Yahoo and Bing. Post description enabling for blogger get full guide from the below link.

Use most searchable and high paying keyword

We can use high paying keyword related to the post title and description and most familiar keyword which are search by people in search engine. High paying mean if you are pro blogger of google adsense then you get more CPC(Cost Per Click) add from google adsense.
For that I will recommend google webmaster techniques.
From help desk of jabongjob

I am not getting good page rank of my site.When I apply for google adsense? How I apply? What criteria to meet before applying google adsense?
For more helpful article and post about menage pro blogging, register yourself with email to get tip and trick about all in your inbox. Put your speech in below comment box.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Design Your Website In HTML5 Using Google Web Designer

Today we are visiting number of website in good aware some looking with latest design and functionality at once. So if you have to build your website with latest functionality then you can choose google web designer for your batter business. Google provide designer tools in offline mode. Google provide Handy tools in free for design your site in pure HTML5 and good UI css.
Google web designer download link and useful instruction to usage and features it its official site meet here

Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer Features

Create Using Different Language

You can prepare your job in own format with selecting file extension at the moment of starting a new project. Google web designer give file format like .HTML, .CSS, .JS(Java Script), XML.
File > New File
Choose File Format
Choose File Format

Built Dynamic add format

If you are not aware about google adsense. Google adsense give different ad format like Banner (It should be fixe in size and format structure), Expandable(This types of ad format make large add in small size criteria when ever user point on that at that time it will expand from its place).

Google Web Designer Functionality

Your site generated in google Web master able to synchronies in different device like Mobile, Tab, and Laptop in any OS like Iphone, Android, Blackberry and Windows operating system.

Best Graphics design experience

Google give a wonder gift to create graphics design in pure HTML5 code with new features. At the current time google released google web developer beta version for web designer to enhance batter visualization effect using google web developer.

Best design to develop your Advertise and poster

Google adsense built new format using this features. And Google also recommended best designing your picture and poster in own tools.

3D effect using animation picture

You can use 3D effect in 2D visualization using its short cut tools. Using 3D visualization you can rotate object and translate object from 2D to 3D. You can also set 3D view in any side with moving a 3D line object.

Quick access design view to code view

Easy to your design in pure HTML5 code with single click “View Code” button in footer tab. You can also check object credential for particular object with click on it and see right side “Properties” menu.

Best tools for design

100+ short cut tools available to design your task easily. Most of the familiar tools are also include in below list.
Selection Tool: You can select particular object with this tool.
3D object rotate tool: Rotation can be done by using this tool.
Tag Tool: Tag tools useful to create a new division.
Pan tool and Text tool: Pan Tool should be use as a hand design and Text tool useful for to add naming and description.
Rectangle, Fill, Stock ect..

Change in custom code and CSS3

IF you have to change in your design manually then you can change using view code option and option code. CSS change is made by right screen in CSS tab.

Manually set object movement time

Please see the below screen to change frame time between two frame.
Set Time
Set Time
Finlay you can get folder in Zip file. For that you have to select publish button in footer. And save at safe place. If you have to show your image in browser then extract Zip file and run .html file.

For more interesting technique and how to aware some guide please subscribe with your mail. And put your valuable says in below comment box.

Monday, 9 December 2013

High Paying CPC Ad In Google Adsense Ads | Maximum CPC Paying Adsense Ads For All Time

Friends you will not be aware about “How to get High CPC cost AdSense score in Google AdSense account”, “Get Maximum paying AdSense Ads in website and Blog”,” How to increase earning using CPC in google adsense”.
Higher CPC adsense ads - CPC cost
Higher CPC AdSense ads - CPC cost

Using this techniques your can earn big income at the end of month cause Google AdSense create your earning by multiplying number of clicks multiply by the CPC(Cost per click). So finally you have to increase CPC by using the Maximum paying keyword AdSense ads on your blog or website.

Video Tutorial for Find High CPC ads on Your Blog and Website

You can find the high paying keyword related your post. I will give short example for to better understand.
Suppose you are writing about “Best ISP (Internet service provider)”. Than you can also use the related keyword that’s used in search engine also have high CPC (Cost per click). The Whole procedure understated in above video tutorial or you can also refer below links in step by step full guide with screen shoot.
How to find higher paying keyword tools by Google in free?
Find the most popular search terms in Google and other search engine?

I will try to shortlisted top 30 keyword which contain high paying keyword (CPC) cost in Google AdSense in below.
1. Domain name yahoo $79.81
2. Dc hair laser removal washington $68.91
3. Law lemon wisconsin $66.15
4. Hair removal washington dc $51.14
5. Domain registration yahoo $41.97
6. Benchmark lending $40.36
7. Domain yahoo $38.05
8. Yahoo web hosting $37.86
9. Hair laser removal virginia $37.29
10. Peritoneal mesothelioma $36.59
11. Ca lemon law $36.55
12. Best buy gift card $34.13
13. Adverse credit remortgage $31.10
14. Mesothelioma information $30.98
15. Law lemon ohio $29.77
16. Att call conference $29.34
17. Insurance medical temporary $29.10
18. Illinois law lemon $28.95
19. Mesothelioma symptoms $28.78
20. Angeles drug los rehab $28.51
21. Personal injury solicitor $28.26
22. Att go $28.23
23. Accident car florida lawyer $28.03
24. Google affiliate $27.11
25. At t wireless $27.11
26. 100 home equity loan $26.31
27. Mcsa boot camp $26.28
28. Anti spam appliance $26.19
29. Adverse remortgage $26.17
30. Chicago hair laser removal $26.00

Related search for this post

  • How to increase CPC in google adsense account?
  • What is CPC? And how can I increase using tools?
  • How to find High paying keyword also CPC using google AdWord?
  • How to increase earning using CPC in google adsense CPC cost?
  • Higher CPC adsense.

For more in your mailbox please subscribe our daily news letter’s using Email address. Or Like our social page Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

Don’t miss to share this post also.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Word To PDF File Using Save As PDF File offline | Without Internet And Converter Software, Plug-In For Microsoft Office

Save as PDF now available using Microsoft plug-in for converting your word file in to PDF file offline (without internet) and converter. Microsoft small plug-in is in size(less than 1 MB) download from Microsoft official sites. just save as document in PDF.

WordToPDF Save as offline and Converter
WordToPDF Save as offline and Converter

You can download plug-in for Word To PDF for save as directly in below

download save as PDF plugins for Microsoft office 2007
Description and system requirement for Microsoft office 2007:
File size: 915 kb
File name: SaveAsPDF.exe
OS: Windows 7, XP and Vista
download save as PDF plugins for Microsoft office 2003
Description and system requirement for Microsoft office 2003:
File size: 25 Mb
File name: ccsetup.exe
OS: XP and Vista

How to use: Word to PDF inbuilt features

This option available in all products of Microsoft office 2007 and 2003, in below
• Microsoft Office Excel 2003
• Microsoft PowerPoint 2002
• Microsoft Word 2002
• Microsoft Office Word 2003
• Microsoft Excel 2002
• Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Step 1
So convert any Microsoft document from the above type just go on office button (at top left corner of the document) more see in below image
PDF to word without internet and Converter Software
Step 2
Click on PDF and save your target PDF document in selected location in your computer and laptop. More in below image
PDF to word without internet and Converter Software
Incoming search for this post
  • Offline WORD to PDF converter.
  • How to use inbuilt feature of Word to PDF convert.
  • Word to PDF plugins free for Microsoft office 2007 and 2003. 
  • Download Plug-in for Word to PDF converter.

For more useful computer and internet tips and tricks please join us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
If you like this posts than share this post your friends. Also comment in below comment box. If need any help.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

How To Submit My Website Or Blog To Google, MSN, Bing, Yahoo – Top Search Engine Submission

SEO tips – How to submit my site URL to Google, MSN and Bing search engine.

Every one webmaster known about Google, Bing, MSN and Yahoo search engine now the question in mind is that how to visible my site in top search engine.
Other Directory website Submission

Benefits of submit website URL to Google, MSN, Bing and Yahoo

At the end of submission you can get more natural traffic from the top most search engine, pageviews, Becklinks, and pageranks, alexarank also.

Search engine submission – Google, MSN, Bing and Yahoo

Search engine submission in not illegal activity to get more visitors on site. But it must more powerful to promote your site in facebook, twitter and Google+. You can submit your website to Google, MSN, Bing, Yahoo through the below link

Yahoo Directory Submission
Yahoo Directory Submission
Bookmark this page and You will get direct link page for submission in Google, MSN, Bing and Yahoo.
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Friday, 6 December 2013

Way To Create Backlinks In Short Of Time And Also Increase Pagerank On Blog And Website

Most of the webmaster and blogger always search “What is backlinks”, “How to create backlinks”, “How to increase backlinks”, “How to increase page rank”. It is most familiar and key concept for SEO and SEO master as the starting stage of web popularity on search engine. If you have to do impressive job at the first day of publishing your website and blog, then create beck links and page rank.
becklinks,Pageviews and Pagerank
backlinks,Pageviews and Pagerank

Now the question is that what is backlinks and Pagerank?

Becklink in SEO terms “Number of virtual connection between your website and relative other website on web”. Pageranks depends on how many quality websites connected to your website or blog. Some of the most impressive and popular site like youtube, Microsoft, Blogger, Wordpress and Aol, Ask have good pagerank and quality link. So if your website connected this type of sites then you are going very well in the subject on pagerank and alexarank in short of time.
Mainly Backlinks categories in Two types.
1. Inbound
2. Outbound
Inbound links count total number of in coming from the other sites which is connected to your site as a reference site.
Outbound links count total number of outgoing links on your website or blog to other sites.
Inbound and outbound links inbound links make your site visible in search engine results and by the other site. Finally your site got more pageviews on the basis of link of the site.

How to archive best backlinks number and pagerank?

You have to refer list of websites to create automatically backlinks after registration of your blog in directory sites from here(Directory listing sites in free for your website and blog)

Helps in alexarank

In the process of creating more pageviews and backlinks you automatically archive good alexarank.

So implement this strategy for to archive good alexarank on your website and blog. Don’t forgot to share on Google+, Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for sharing, kindly
  • Incoming search for this post,
  • How to increase backlinks near to 1000?
  • How to archive good pagerank?
  • How to make my blog or website search engine visible?
  • Pageview can increase using backlinks?
  • Define Backlinks, Define Pageviews, And Define Pagerank.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Common lock for all Applications, Message, Phone number, Folder, keypad and gadget in android

Security in mobile is one of the best options to protect you from the other people and unknown person. And finally I share this useful security lock for all Applications, Message, Phone number, Folder, keypad and gadget in android mobile. This app is available in Google play store so don’t afraid to install in your android smart phone it will never harm your mobile. Till that days millions of people using this lock app in his/her mobile in free of cost.
Common Lock All for all
Common Lock All for all
Note: This app is not fake so be happy and use it, Don’t miss to share this article on Google+, Facebook and Twitter from right social widget in single click.

How to install and Download Common android lock app ?

If you what to install this apps in your mobile then click here. You can see the updated user reviews and download ratting at any time from the above link.
Tap the install button from that page, first download start automatically and then installation process starts in sequence.

How to use common lock app for android application and message, Phonebook and more?

Steps to use common lock app for android

1 your application screens looks like in below image, List of installed apps on home screen and lock any app any time.
2. Now you can lock any apps and message or contact book using three unique lock features.
Figure-print lock : This types of lock mostly flop till that days cause it should be very confusing to set and auto recover it.
Force Clock lock : Force clock lock is very useful for the auto close apps whenever apps shows error.
Orientation lock : You don’t want to rotate any apps in your screen than choose this locking option.

Features of App Protector : android lock apps

To hide this icon app from your mobile that it gives option under the setting > Advance option > Stealth Mode(Hide Icon)
If you want to see and modification in app security then type in dial pad #7777 (#Your Password).
Proess Ok button.
Incoming search for this post,

  • How to lock message inbox and new message in android mobile?
  • How to lock phonebook in android?
  • Common lock for all apps and folder in my android phone and tablet.
  • Best lock for android download and install.

Friends Use and Enjoy this apps,
Thank You, Cheers
Knowledgekites. Share with on Google+, Twitter and Facebook.