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Monday, 22 July 2013

Transfer your Google+ school friends one account to other | find a friends |Old friends

How to find people in new account easily: Google+

If you are finding your old school friends then this article helps to find the path as of your chaise.
If you have two Gmail account then you have to trouble transfer google+ school friends to the another account with the partition of school friends.
transfer Friends google plus accounts Friends

If you are find a friends (Old friends) in new account.

I give the best solution to transfer google+ school friends using google takeout. Not only School friends but you can transfer all types of friends present from own one account to the second account.
This procedure can take minimum 48 hours, with declaring in google+ takeout schools friends

How do you find a person (School friends) in new account?

  1. You can able to transfer friends from one account (Source) and second account (Destination). With the same name account.
  2. Transfer can be proceeding after applying with request.
  3. You can stop the transfer at a time. After that you don’t be able to stop transfer.
  4. If you should stop the process then click “Cancel” button in below the page.
  5. You are transferring google+ school friends from one account to the second with limited time duration of each 6 month.
Please see the below screens with steps to find the school friends, Old friends and your own circle.
Steps 1
Just go on :
Login with: First account, hit the transfer friends list link. See the below screens.

Google takeout - Transfer school+ other  friends

Steps 2
Login with the first account which you have to transfer school friends from that. Here source part in fist account. And add the second account ID in the destination part. Hit the Sign in to this account.
Google takeout - First steps
Step 3:
Login with the destination ID and password. See below.

Google takeout - Second steps
Step 4:
Now you can see the list of points, before proceed please read the basic criteria to overcome this process. If you are agreed than hit the “Transfer” otherwise click “Cancel” button.
Google takeout - Third steps

Now your job is done by your side, now google proceed the next part to transfer school friends and other. After some time take you can check your account.

All the best!!

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