Previously I've described the options for linking your blog and Picasa-web-albums, and noted that putting a slideshow into a gadget is one option.
A slideshow is a set of photos that automatically advance from one to the next - it's a little different from an album, which is just a collection of photos with no auto-advance feature.
There are two approaches you can take to putting a PWA slideshow into your blog:
- Getting the code from Picasa and using a HTML/Javascript gadget.
- Using Blogger's slideshow gadget.
The 2nd option is easier, but the first (usually) gives you more control over how the slideshow works.
HTML/Javascript Gadget Approach:
(NB a similar approach will work for other blogging tools, eg Wordpress, thought the details will vary slightly)
- Go to Picasa Web Albums (http://picasaweb.google.com/home).
- Check that you have already uploaded the album you want from your PC to Picasa-web-albums.
(and if you haven't, go back to Picasa and upload it now) - Choose an album by clicking on it.
The album view opens, showing you a thumbnail of all the photos in it on the left of the screen. On the right of the screen, there is a sidebar of useful tools. One of these is "Link to this Album". - Click on "Link to this Album"
- Click on "Embed Slideshow"
This opens a new dialog box, over the top of your current browser window.
- Fill in the option details you want (slideshow size, whether or not to show captions and to autoplay the slides, etc)
- Copy the HTML from the box at the bottom of the left hand-side (the one labelled "Copy and paste ..."
- You can now put this HTML into your blog, the same way you would add any other 3rd party HTML: option 1 in this article describes how to put it into a gadget.
You may be able to use the slideshow gadget instead. To do this, follow steps 1 and 2, and then:
- Go to Picasa Web Albums (http://picasaweb.google.com/home).
- Check that you have already uploaded the album you want from your PC to Picasa-web-albums.
(and if you haven't, go back to Picasa and upload it now) - Return to Blogger, and:
In pre-Sept-2011 Blogger, go to Design / Page Elements in Blogger, or
In post-Sept-211 Blogger, to do the Layout tab - Click "Add a gadget" in the area where you want to put the slideshow.
- Choose the Slideshow gadget,
- Choose these options - in the order shown (ie work down the page - some of the bottom options won't have the right values availabl until the earlier ones are set)
- Source = Picasa web albums
- Option = Album
- Username = the name of the google account where the album is stored. (eg, mine is maryc.fromnz)
- Album = which ever album your photos are in.
Some people advise against saying that Picasa-web-albums is the source: they suggest choosing Other, and just pasting in the album's URL. I haven't yet found any reasons for this, but it's worth trying if using Picasa as a source doesn't work for you.
Related Articles:
Picasa & Blogger - Part 1, What is Picasa?
Picasa & Blogger - Part 2, Options for linking Picasa into your Blog
Putting 3rd party HTML into your blog
Understanding Google accounts
Centering gadgets on your blog
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