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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

How to change internal links when you chance your blog's web-address

This article is about how to change internal cross-reference links in your blog, if you change your blog's URL or web-address.

Blog Name vs Blog Address

Your blog has two "names".

The blog title is what you type into the Title field when you create a new blog.   It is displayed in your header (unless you've replaced it with a picture), and in the title-bar of the browser window when someone reads your blog.  It does not need to be unique:  you can make a blog with the same name that anyone else has already used.

The web-address, also called the URL or just address is quite different. You select in the Address field when you create a new blog - but it's not just a matter of typing in what you want.   Web-addresses must be unique, so as you type in a possible URL Blogger says "checking availability" - and if someone else already has what you have entered, it says
Sorry, this blog address is not available.
and you have to keep trying until you find a blogspot URL which is not already taken.

Usually the blog-title and blog web-address are very closely related.   For example, the name of this blog is Blogger-hints-and-tips, and the web-address is  And they may be even more closely related if you have a custom domain, eg
Title / Name:

In this case, I've made the blog-name slightly geeky (with a .org on the end) to make it more memorable.

Changing title vs changing address

You can change the blog-name at any time, using the Settings > Basic > Title tab.   Doing this has no effect on any links in you posts or widgets.  (Although it may confuse people who find your blog by searching for the name rather than for the web-address - which is a good reason to encourage them to become subscribers, instead.)

You can change the blog-address using the Settings > Basic > Publishing tab.   Just like the original URL, whatever you change it to has to be unique, ie not one that anyone else has used.

Sidenote:  If you want to use an address that a different Google account, eg a friend, used to have, then you need to transfer the ownership:  having the previous owner delete a blog is not enough to release the blogspot address for someone else to use.

But if you change the blog-address, then any existing links to your blog become dead, ie they stop working and anyone who tried to follow them gets a 404 error. This applies to both external links (eg on other people's blogrolls or Google's search index) and to internal links (when you have a link to one post inside another post or gadget)

What happens if change your blog's web-address

If you change your blog's web-address, then Blogger changes the links in your Pages gadget that point to your pages.

But Blogger will not change any other internal links in your blog. This includes:
  • Links in your Pages gadget that were added as External web-addresses - even if those web-addresses are posts or pages in your blog.
  • Links in one post that point to another one (called cross-links)
  • Links in your other gadgets - including LinksList gadgets and HTML/Javascript ones.

Therefore all these links will break if you change your blog's web-address.    If someone tries to follow one of these links they get a message like this:
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

However gadgets which calculate links (eg Blogger's Popular Posts, or the third-party widgets like LinkWithin) do keep working, because the they get the current link of your posts when they need them rather than keeping a stored copy.   (That said, ones that rely on your RSS feed to for information may stop working correctly.)

And of course Blogger will not change links to your blog that are in other people's blog-posts or gadgets.

This is why it's A Very Good Idea to get your blog name - including a custom domain if you want one - right before you start writing posts with cross-links.

Relative addressing and the Blogger Post Editor

Some people have asked if it is possible to internal links (ie links from one post to another) as
instead of

So that if they change the blog-address, the links will still work.

However Blogger's Post Edit does not support relative addressing, so this isn't possible: If you enter a link as

 then when you you publish the post it is changed to     (if you add the link in compose mode), or
http://yourWebAddress/12/2013/how_to_do.html     (if you add the link in HTML mode).

(I think this is a change from Blogger's previous behaviour from when I last investigated this issue:  previously it changed the links to something like http:/ - and of course this doesn't work either.)

How to change internal links in your posts when you change blog-address

Unfortunately Blogger doesn't provide any tool to automatically update all internal links in your posts when you change blog-address.

Instead, you have to manually:
  • Edit each post
  • Look at it in HTML mode and 
  • Find-and-replace any links. 

The only slight automation is that you can do the find-and-replace by copying the entire post-contents to a text-editor like Notepad, using the Replace tool there, and then copying the entire post contents back to the post editor.

Some people have asked if it's possible to do this by:
  • Exporting all your posts using the Export Blog tool on the Settings > Other > Export Blog option
  • Opening the exported file in a text editor, and changing all the links with the Find-and-Replace tool.
  • Deleting all the posts from your blog
  • Importing from your export file, after it's been edited.

However this won't work because Blogger remembers the address of each individual post, even after they're deleted.   It won't give the same URL to another post, ever.  Instead, it puts some numbers on the end, to make the URL unique. For example, when I tested this:

You could use the custom-re-directs feature to repoint each old post-url to the new one, it would probably be quicker overall to simply edit each post.

Related Articles:

How to edit a post you have already published

Adding a Pages gadget to your blog

Setting up a custom domain for Blogger

Giving another Blogger account access to an address that you own

Friday, 25 July 2014

Define Page rank For To Increase SEO Performance. How To Check?

Each every blogger and webmasters always finding the term “Pagerank”, “What is Pagerank”, “How to increase it”, “Why I am not getting pagerank”, “Criteria to archive the best pagerank”.
If you don’t know then this post is helpful to you in future and you can archive good pagerank in short of time. At the starting stage of blogging pagerank should be zero. It will affect as on time to go with perfect blogging.

Pagerank gives you map of importance of your web in google search engine. Google give it after applying google pagerank algorithm. Google pagerank’s algorithm.

Google algorithm finds the calculation your web post URL reputation on over the world wide websites including social sites. Means how many links are incoming on your web post.
Define and How to increase Google page rank ways
Define and How to increase Google page rank ways

What can affect the pagerank?

Content Quality
Incoming links
You want to archive good pagerank than above to parameter always to be in mind.

Explanation of Pagerank with Diagram – Incoming Links

You can see the above diagram with weighted percentage in ball. Pagerank directly depends on incoming link for your web page from the outside world’s web. That means you can archive more incoming links you will get higher PageRank.
If you are getting incoming links from higher PageRanked web to your pages. Then this is good for your web.

Explanation of Pagerank – content quality

Google algorithm is also structured on Quality of your article. Google search engine also check duplicate content for this post.
What are the basic things to get higher pagerank?
Finally you will get idea how to increase pagerank from the above example. Now we have to create incoming links for all post separately. You can create incoming link through the number of way from SEO strategy.
1. Submit in free directory listing
2. Submit your post URL to Google, Bing and Yahoo search engine.
3. Post commenting your link on high pagerank web

What will get after archive good pagerank?

You can archive Good SERP(Search Engine Result Page) rank. SERP rank can be archive using the Best and most popular keyword which is searches by people in google and other top most search engines.
Adsense also count your website or blog pagerank. You have to check your pagerank before submitting in google adsense. You can check your web pagerank over the internet online. To check click here

Final Word:
You can see the value of incoming links, Content quality for pagerank. Now our next article on How to be a good in Content quality and incoming links counts.

Other search:
How to define pagerank in simple terms, what is pagerank, List of factors depends on pagerank, How to increase pagerank of blog and website sharply. What is relation of SERP and Pagerank in SEO(Search Engine Optimization).

I hope that you like effective and short explanation with example. Share this article on social sites from the below sharing button. If you have any question than put in below comment box.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

How to disable touch in laptop for windows 8 or windows 7 – Remove touch screen

New technology (touch access) in laptop, you can access your system using touch installed with windows 7 and windows 8. Using touch you can helps only for personal usage, but when you are in group or on way of travelling, touch functionality will tolerate you by unexpected touch your figures and some object. At that time you might be lose useful data through unexpected removed.

Useful: Best windows 8 and 8.1 theme free download.
touch disabled in windows 8 or windows 8.1
touch disabled in windows 8 or windows 8.1

Here you have to follow the below steps to disable or remove touch screen in laptop on windows 8 or windows 7.

1. Open the Device manager from start menu search box given below.

Disable touch in windows 8 and windows 7
Disable touch in windows 8 and windows 7

2. Once you opened, Device manager in your screen, Select human Interface Devices and click to expand it.

3. Under the human interface devices, You will find number of HID device options. From this list select HID – compatible touch screen option.

4. Right click on HID – Compatible touch option than select disable option. To quite touch on your windows 8 screen.
Disable touch in windows 8 and windows 7 step 2
Disable touch in windows 8 and windows 7 step 2
If you want to start touch in windows 8 system, same procedure should be doing in reverse steps.
Don’t miss: Adobe Photoshop for windows full version.

Related search:
How to stop touch screen in windows 8 laptop and machine
Disable or remove touch on windows 8 OS.

Are you getting problem on stop or disable touch windows screen than comment in below comment box. We glad to assist you.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Find things in your blog-posts' HTML by using temporary "marker text"

This article shows how to use "marker text" to help find things when you need to edit the HTML code behind one of your blog posts.

When you edit a post in Blogger, to start with you generally use the Compose mode, which shows you the formatted view of how your work will look.

But behind that formatted view, every post is actually written in HTML, ie Hyper-text Markup Language - a type of computer language that uses tags like <h2> or <a href="">  to say how to display the contents.

A number of articles, here and in other blogger-helper blogs tell you how to do thing by changing the HTML for the post. But if you are not used to working with HTML, it can be confusing tryign to fix the part that you need to change.

Marker-text is a technique that you can use to "mark" problem areas while you are still in Compose mode, so that you can easily find them again when you are in Edit HTML mode.

How to use marker-text to fix a problem in your post

Start to prepare or edit your post in the usual way.

Go to the place just before the problem you want to fix or change you want to make.

Add some extra blank lines.

In the middle of the extra blank lines, put a few characters or a word that do not occurr anywhere else in your post. I quite often use XXX - but you can use any letters, characters or numbers, for example PROBLEM JUST AFTER HERE or 12345.

Use the copy function to put the text you added (without the blank lines)into your computer's memory.

Optional: Go to the place just after the problem you want to fix or change you want to make, and add some more text eg PUT IT BEFORE HERE

Switch to Edit HTML mode, using the button at the top-left of the post editing window.

Start the "find" feature in your web browser:
  • ctrl / f in Chrome
  • ctrl / f in Internet Explorer

In the search box that opens, use Paste (ctrl / v) to put the exact marker text that you entered into the Find box, and press enter.

The post-edit window will scroll to the place where your marker text is, and it will most likely be highlighted.

You have now found the place where you need to work, so you can now make the HTML changes required.

Once you have fixed all the issues, switch back to Compose mode using the tab in the top left hand corner, and remove all the marker text and extra blank lines that you added.

Good Practise

You will be removing the marker text before you publish your post.

But just in case you accidentally click Publish before you mean to, only use text that would not be embarrassing if some of your readers accidentally see it.

Some RSS readers will see the contents of your post as they are when you first hit Publish, even if you edit them less than two minutes later.)

Leaving your Marker Text in Place

If you might need to find the same place in your post's HTML again, then instead of removing your marker-text, you may just want to comment it out.

To do this, put these characters before it:

and these characters after it

So it might look like this


Make sure you get the spaces - highlighed in yellow   as well as both of the "-- characters.

If you do this, then you will not be able to see or find your Marker Text when you are in Compose Mode, but you will be able to see and find it when you are in Edit HTML mode.

Related Articles:

How to edit a post you have already published

Using cut, copy and paste in the Blogger post editor

The Blogger-helpers search tool

How to Access internet without router password in windows 7 and windows 8

Many of friends and my readers have a query on access internet over wi-fi without password in windows 7 or windows 8. That’s not easy process to start internet on your laptop or mobile without wi-fi (router) password. Here is the alternative way to start internet without wireless router password. To access internet without router password you must have to follow the below simple steps.

Note: default password in your router same for all. Here you want to change if you want it password protected.

Steps on How to access internet without router password in windows 7 or windows 8

You are using one or more system from single LAN cable. That you must have to use router (wired or wireless router). If you are using wireless router or modem, you have password of your wi-fi router connection. Before to start internet, you must have wi-fi password.

Step 1
From the start menu search RUN window from search box.
press windows + R key from your keyboard.
Than type run in text box, press Ok button.
RUN windows in windows 7
RUN windows in windows 7

Step 2
After completing step 1 you can see black screen windows in your windows 7 or windows 8 system.
In this window type ipconfig, and press enter.
IP address of your network connection
IP address of your network connection
You can see sample of my iP address information.

Step 3
From this screen, you will find result of your four different iP address.
From last one, you can see default Gateway address; Note that address and type in windows 7 or windows 8 browser.
Now you will see below screen,
Authentication screen on your browser
Authentication screen on your browser

Step 4
From here you have to enter username and password in browser popup, Showing in step 3, Default username and password is admin and admin.
Username: Admin
Password: admin

If you can access, that type your router or modem name in Google and find default username and password for your router.

Don’t miss: How to know wi-fi password of unknown wi-fi network in mobile and laptop.

I hope you enjoyed on “How to update or access router without username and password”. Any problem than comment in below. We will glad to help you.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

How to enable/start front audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8

Start or enable front audio jack in your computer cpu with  windows 7 or windows 8 OS. By default in your windows system you can listen audio from front audio jack in your cpu cabin. To connect your microphone or speaker from front audio jack you have to follow some installation steps and some audio settings also. Here you will find solved solution on how to enable or use front audio (microphone) jack from your computer with windows 7 or windows 8 OS.

Steps to enable or use front audio jack in your windows 7 or windows 8 computer

At first you must have to use realtek audio software. This is audio driver to turn front or back side audio start in vise versa. You can download realtek audio driver from its official site for your 32 or 64 bit windows OS.
Link to download realtek audio driver: clickhere

After download completed, install it in your windows 7 or windows 8 system. now follow the below simple steps in serially.

Step 1
Go to control panel from start menu, Under the control panel you can see option for realtek audio HD manager option. (Given in below screen).
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 1
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 1
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 2
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 2

Step 2
Now on your right hand top corner of the setup, you can see yellow folder option. Than disable rear audio jack and enable front audio jack. Than press OK button.
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 3
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 3
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 4
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 4

Step 3
Now uncheck check box for enable front audio jack in your windows 7 and windows 8, from audio port.

Step 4
Finally click ok button, you can also change sound effect that you want as in advance settings.
Now you are done.
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 5
enable from audio jack in windows 7 and windows 8 computer - step 5
source: []

Now you can enjoying with front audio jack that don’t working to listen music or sound using speaker or microphone audio pin. Have you any problem and suggestion than comment in below, we are glad to assist you.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Best directory free submission site without reciprocal link submit your website or blog URL

Directory submission is the best practice to increase backlinks, traffic and pagerank as organic search from top best search engines. From this post you can increase your site becklinks in easy way.

Don’t miss: Best seo(Search engine optimization) technique you might be miss one of them.

Useful: Make free website from 1 year free hosting and domain (offer).

Here this is list of best directory submission site, in below directory submission sites you have to simply submit title, description, keyword, Meta name, and category. I listed below directory based on good pagerank. So after creating link with good page
rank number you will automatically index or good pagerank.
Directory list for free submission and no reciprocal link
Directory list for free submission and no reciprocal link

Top best free directory submission sites: submit URL Without reciprocal link

Make you submission easy: very useful way to submit your url to all below directory at once in your browser.

Related search,
Top directory in 2014 to submit website and blog
Best free directory submission sites list without reciprocal link
High page rank directory free site

Top best directory submission site for website and blog to increase becklink and page rank from listed in above.

Monday, 14 July 2014

How to add a Google Contacts button to your blog, website or desktop

This article shows how to add a button that takes a user straight to Google Contacts to your blog or website.   It also distributes a picture that you can use in other places (eg your PC desktop) to make your own Google Contacts icon.

Most people have a button on their computer or smartphone, which they use to start their email.  For some, this goes straight to their Gmail account in a web-browser, while others use an system like Thunderbird or Outlook to look at their email messages in a Gmail account and/or in email accounts they have with other services.

If you use Gmail as your email system, then Google also gives you an address book, which they call Contacts. This is not the same as the address book in Thunderbird or Outlook etc, which is saved on your local computer.   Instead, the Google address book is saved on the internet, in your Google account.

Google Contacts is tightly linked to your Gmail account, and the way that most people access it is by:
  • Going to Gmail 
  • Clicking on the Contacts button in the left-sidebar.

But you can go straight into your Google Contacts, without having to load Gmail first.   And I often find that it is faster, especially if I just want to look up an address or phone number and not send an email.

To go directly into your Google Contacts book, just type into the address-bar of your web-browser.

This is easy - but some people would prefer to have a button that they can click, rather than having to manually type an address.

So I have created a picture that can be used on such a button, and written up instructions on how to add it to your website, or your computer.   This is licensed under Creative Commons:  I am giving permission for it to be freely used on any website, so long as you say where it came from in the way that I've shown below.

(If you a wondering "why on earth would anyone want that" - then please don't waste time reading further - you are clearly not the target audience of this post!   I know that there are some people who will be delighted with the idea, and that's who I'm writing for today.)

How to add a Google Contacts button to your blog or website

Set up a place to put the button

If you want to add the button to Blogger, then just add a gadget in the usual way, and choose gadget-type of HTML/Javascript.

If you want to add it to some other type of blog or website, then you need to use whatever procedure is required to add 3rd-party HTML to your site.

Add the code

The HTML code to add is:
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" width="50%" /><!-- Google Contacts Start button from   Design © Blogger Hints-an-Tips, 2014.   Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  -->  </a></div>

Make sure you all all the code, including the Creative Commons license information - this is what says you are allowed to use the picture.

Configure the size

You can change the size of the button by changing the number in this statement:
On my sidebar in Blogger-Hint-and-tips, I have it set to 50%.

You can use either a percentage value, as shown, or a pixels or em measure, for example

Job done!

Save the change in the usual way, and you will have a button on your website which opens Google Contacts

How to add a Google Contacts button to your computer / laptop / desktop

This is a little more difficult to describe, because it depends on exactly what computer and operating system you have, and what you mean by adding the button "to your computer".   But here are some options.

Browser Favorites

One option is to go to   and then before you do anything else save it to the Favourites section in your browser - and then you know you can get to Contacts using your regular internet button and choosing it from your favourites.

In the Windows desktop

Right click on your desktop
  1. Choose New
  2. Choose Shortcut
  3. In the screen that asks what you want the shortcut to, enter
  4. Click Next
  5. Enter the Name you want the link to have, eg "Google Contacts", and click Finish

The shortcut that is added to your desktop has a standard internet picture.   To change it to another
  1. Download this file to your computer, and save it somewhere.
  2. Right click on the shortcut that was created, and choose Properties.
  3. Choose Change Icon
  4. Choose the file that you saved in step 1

Note:   these instructions were prepared using Windows 8 - they may vary slightly for earlier versions.   But the same general approach applies.


Related Articles:

Copyright, blogs and bloggers

How to add a gadget to your blog

How to make windows 7 bootable DVD from iSO file – Burn windows 7 bootable DVD from iSO

More over friends are always confused on how to make windows 7 bootable DVD with burning process. Without bootable DVD you can’t install windows 7 in your computer, Laptop. To install windows 7, you need bootable pen drive or Bootable DVD. You make bootable windows 7 DVD from iOS file, Windows 7 DVD or Windows 7 copied DVD files. This post includes both method to make bootable windows 7 DVD.

  1. Make bootable windows 7 DVD from copied windows 7 folder
  2. Make Bootable windows 7 DVD from iOS file (Single file with extension .iOS).

Both methods are both easy, here I explained using powerISO open source software to make bootable DVD in easy way.

Methods to make bootable windows 7 DVD

Download PoweriSO, we use Power iOS in both methods. To download click here(36 bit/ 68 bit)

Method 1: Windows 7 bootable DVD from iOS file

Step 1: Open installed PoweriOS,
Step 2: Click on Add icon from top menu bar, Now you can see brows option with small window. Select all files and folders that locate in your windows 7 DVD or in your computer hard disk.
Click ADD.

Select All files and folders copied on your harddrive
Select All files and folders copied on your harddrive
Step 3: After step 2, You can see all files and folders are added in power iSO.
Add all folder of windows 7 DVD
Add all folder of windows 7 DVD
Step 4: Now go menu, Action > Boot > Add boot information.
Add boot file in setup
Add boot file in setup
Step 5: You can see small window at first click on Brows folder button(1) given in image.
Move in boot folder, Select file
Then click Ok.
Add boot file in setup 1
Add boot file in setup 1
Add boot file in setup 2
Add boot file in setup 2
DVD Burn in progress
DVD Burn in progress
Step 6: Burning process started with click on burn button from the below picture.
Burn start process to make windows 7 DVD Using PowerIOS
Burn start process to make windows 7 DVD Using PowerIOS
Step 7: Wait for 5 to 8 minutes. Bootable DVD automatically eject from your DVD writer.
Burning Of DVD complete
Burning Of DVD complete
Now you ARE DONE!!

Method 2: Windows 7 bootable DVD from copied windows 7 DVD files

This method is use as alternatives of method 1. You have only use this method if you have iOS file of windows 7.
Step 1: Click on ADD from top bar of poweriSO. Select iOS file though brows option. Click on Add button.
Make windows 7 bootable DVD using powerISO
Make windows 7 bootable DVD using powerISO
Step 2: Click on Burn from top bar of PoweriSO given in below image,

Than start burning process with tap on burn button.
Start burn DVD from windows 7 iSO file
Start burn DVD from windows 7 iSO file
Start burn process
Start burn process
DVD Burn in progress
DVD Burn in progress
Wait for windows 7 DVD burning process. After completing DVD auto eject from DVD writer.

DVD burned successfully.

You want any suggestion and guide than comment in below. You can check other useful tips and tricks on computer, internet and how to guide. This post helps you than don’t miss to share with your friends.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

[Solved] Can’t showing option to show hidden file in computer windows 7 and windows 8.1

Inside folder and search option you can see option to enable to show files and folder in your computer, Windows 7 and windows 8.1 OS. More over system crash time or system format time it will create problems like hidden files are disabled for all time. So you can get this option to show hidden files and folders from your whole windows system.

If you are finding option to show hidden files and folders option in windows 7 and windows 8.1. open windows explorer > Organize(at top left screen) > Folder and search options > View > Show hidden files, Folders and drives option

Useful: Install windows 8 theme in windows 7 OS

But some of the time Show hidden files, Folders and drives option cant there under views tab.

Here Basic step to show hidden files and folders in windows 7 and windows 8

Step 1

1. Go start button > Type run in search box.
2. In run windows type regedit inside the text box and click oK.
3. After that you will find one windows screen in your desktop.
4. From there Go on below path


After moving on above path, from the right pane of the windows you will see below screen.
From there delete Checked value file by right clicking on it file.

5. After create new DWORD. By right clicking from this pane.
Right click > New > DWORD Value

6. In new file enter value given in below,
Name: Checked Value
Data: 1

show hidden files and folders
show hidden files and folders

Step 2: Second part to show hidden files and folders

1. Download this registry file in your system by right click and save file as. In your desktop (Easy to access).
2. Double click on this registry file.
3. After click on you will see alert message to add this file in your system. Press Yes button.
4. Now you are able to see option to show hidden files, Folders and drives option under the folder option.
Enable hidden files and folders option from settings tab
Enable hidden files and folders option from settings tab

Don’t miss: Latest Nero 12 full download for your windows 7 and windows 8

You are still facing problem on show hidden files and folders, Comment in below comment box.
This article helps to solve your problem than share with your friends through below social button.
To know more tips and tricks on computer, Internet than subscribe with email in below.

Friday, 11 July 2014

How to set password in Microsoft excel file at open file in your computer

This time security is requiring losing data and cheating by unknown people. So one of them is set password in your Microsoft excel file. So in this tutorial I try to set maximum option to make your excel file secure and password protected. In previously I share on how to recover data in Microsoft office document file from unexpected close.

Useful: Set minimum auto save time in Microsoft office document.
Save your word file in PDF format directly without any software.

Here you can saved your excel data in two different ways gives In below, Total secure and partial security

Access password: Set password to open file in your computer
Read only security: Make your file read only

Password set in excel file to protect data
Password set in excel file to protect data
Set password to open your Microsoft excel file
Below step you have to follow for open file in secure way. To open file you must have to enter password.

Step 1
Click on review from the top tab,
Go review > Protect Workbook > Protect structure and windows
Enter password that you have to enter open excel file.
Set password to open Excel file from windows device
Set password to open Excel file from windows device
Re-enter same password for verification match

Re enter password for open excel file
Re enter password for open excel file
Step 2
Click on office button (from top left corner of the screen),
Go, office button > Prepare > Encrypt document
Enter password same that entered in step 1
Make your excel file more secure with encrypt document option
Make your excel file more secure with encrypt document option
- Enter password second time for verification.
Set password for encrypt excel doc
Set password for encrypt excel doc

Set password for read only access

Steps to Make your file read only: To edit or change password require to do so follow the below steps.

Step 1
Go review > Protect Sheet
After that you can see dial box with multiple options, From there you have to enter password which you want to set,
Set password in Excel to protect data
Set password in Excel to protect data
Reenter password dialog box to verify password.
Re enter password to set password in Excel
Re enter password to set password in Excel

Above security protect your data, no one can add and delete data from your Microsoft office excel file.
Excel protected with editing in file
Excel protected with editing in file
Related search,
Make excel sheet password protected,
How to hide data in excel from unknown users

Don't miss: Convert Gmail email in PDF format directly.

If you like this how to guide, Don’t miss to share with your friends. You have any problem related to this article than comment in below comment box.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

How to add Meta tags inside head tag of wordpress website php code file

More over webmaster and SEO master always find the way to add meta tag inside head section of wordpress website. You can also check meta tags important on your website traffic directly from top best search engines. Know more about meta tag from official site click here. From this post you can learn about why we have to add meta tags inside wordpress website and how to add meta tags in inside head section of wordpress body.

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Using this methods you can also add google analytics code inside head tag of wordpress website.

Note: Using this method for add meta tags in side head section you don’t need any meta tags wordpress plugins.
Add meta tags inside head tag
Add meta tags inside head tag

Why we have to add meta tags in head section of wordpress php file

1. Meta tag guide to search engine for indexing with time to time.
2. Meta tag defines description, title and author of website or blog.
3. It also helps to blog some url from search engine for all time.
4. Meta tags have hundreds of name and value parameters.

Steps to add wordpress Meta tag inside head tag of wordpress website through code – without plugin

Step 1
From the dashboard go
Appearance > Editor
From that you have to open functions.php file.

Open function file of your WordPress website
Open function file of your WordPress website

Open Functions php file from side files
Open Functions php file from side files

Step 2
Go functions.php file from righ side bar of wordpress dashboard. (Given in below)
Past below code in function in side php tag. Given in below.

function add_meta_tags() {
echo '<meta content="index, follow" name="robots" />';
echo '<meta content="1 days" name="revisit-after" />';
echo '<meta content="all" name="robots" />';
echo '<meta content="all" name="googlebot" />';
echo '<meta content="general" name="general" />';

add_action('wp_head', 'add_meta_tags');
Meta code inside function php file
Meta code inside function php file

Step 3
After adding file click on save button file
Now you are done,

Related search:
• How to add bing meta tag inside head file in wordpress.
• How to add more than one meta tags inside head in php code file.

Useful: Top best keyword density checker tools for your blog or website.

I hope you have solved your solution. If you are not able to add meta tads inside head section on wordpress code file than comment in below. If you like this article on your search how to add meta tag inside php code file don’t miss to share.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

How to work on steps to bid open project at your home

Freelancer paid job from your home make to earn money from learning at your home. You have experience on particular field like software development, website development, SEO work, Marketing, Data entry and other 50+ job type available on freelancer. You can earn lot of money from thousand of new project shared by client over worldwide. From the freelancer you can earn money in international currency over worldwide. To earn money from freelancer you don’t have to pay money to me or freelancer official site. You can takeover much money from 30 day trial period and free bid points with new account opening. Don’t west time in your school and collage time duration? More over friends can’t find and search on this topic that I want to share with kind helps.

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Importance of bid points in freelancer

More bid point gives chance to get more work in your interest, To take project or task by client which is uploaded as project. To get one project you need 1 bid point.
Ex: you have 30 bid points that you can participate in 30 different projects in your cart maximum.

Steps to bid and work on freelancer, Make money from freelancing job

Step 1
Go from here, register yourself with correct information. Your are register with freelancer that login with email and password.

Step 2
After registration verify your accounts from your registered email address available in mail inbox. Through verification you can get extra bid points in your freelancer accent.

To get more bid points and level kindly submit all required details.

Step 3
Move project category type that you want to do as of your time limitation and categories.
Go Brows project > Select project that you want to find (Brows category if best to find)
See all the steps given in below.

Work on freelancer com brows project
Work on freelancer com brows project

Wide verity of project and job on freelancer
Wide verity of project and job on freelancer

Step 4:
Select project that you want to do.

Successfully add project as bid in freelancer account
Successfully add project as bid in freelancer account

place bid on freelancer project from your account
place bid on freelancer project from your account
do Bid on project on selected category
do Bid on project on selected category
Step 5:
Bid project if you are eligible to do this project in time. Otherwise bad impression makes you work hard to find big project on
Useful: Make money with blogging for all time.

Make money from freelancer,
Step by step guide to bid on project and work in freelancer.
How to work at home in freelancer?

Thanks for reading, I hope you must enjoy this post as of you find. So comment in below comment box if you have any suggestion and problem. We will be glad to assist you.