Register Your Domains Hassle-Free

Friday, 29 August 2014

How to install wordpress on ipage – ipage installation guide

Install wordpress on iPage, you can do just in one click.

iPage USA based hosting company new for all. But other hosting companies’ wise gives best for all blogger and website developer.

Never mind that ipage is new hosting company and not popular. But in this days hundreds of business connecting with ipage.

Useful: How to choose best domain name: Domain registration sites

You can check service for website or blogging likes,

  • Low hosting coast and best service
  • Free domain,
  • Security
  • Site building for wordpress and other hosting platforms
  • Online store
  • Search engine and free ad credits
  • Any time money back guarantee
  • Free transfer your site or domain
  • 24 x 7 uptime guarantee
  • Support in chat and free call
  • Today’s hosting plan charges: $1.89/month
You can buy online through debit card, credit card or online banking.
Here, i am giving to guide to install wordpress on iPage. And in previous article I share how to install wordpress on local host, install wordpress on Hostgator, and install wordpress on BlueHost.

Install wordpress on iPage: free install

To buy hosting platform in just $1.00/month use below link
Coupon Code: WHEELS

Install wordpress on iPage : free installation steps

iPage is connected to Mozo market place for wordpress. Using mozo market place you can install wordpress on iPage. Mozo providing hundreds of premium theme for wordpress.

Mozo gives other wordpress alternative platforms, Zoomal, Drupal and other 50+ hosting platfom. see in below image.
hosting Platforms on iPage
hosting Platforms on iPage

Step 1: Install wordpress platform using Mozo

Go control panel under ipage account,

intall wordpress on iPage - Step 2

From the control panel select Mozo market place,
Mozo third party gives option to automatic wordpress install on iPage hosting server.
After selecting it, Wait for some time to complete processes.

intall wordpress on iPage - Step 3
intall wordpress on iPage - Step 3
Step 2: Select Wordpress version 3.9

Now after first step your next screen look like in below,

intall wordpress on iPage - Step 4
intall wordpress on iPage - Step 4

Select wordpress under Blogs & Website Builders,

Step 3: Install or Import wordpress

intall wordpress on iPage - Step 5
intall wordpress on iPage - Step 6
For new installation you have to select install button.
import for already hosted wordpress setup
useful: How to install wordpress in local computer using wamp server.

Step 4: choose Directory and Domain name

Now in your next screen you should to select domain name. Database automatically create for that domain name.

Step 5: Get username/ Password

After completing internal wordpress installation process on remote server, you will get user name and password.
Now you can open your wordpress website or blog dashboard through below link,

website or blog Login - wordpress hosting

website or blog Dashboard - wordpress hosting
website or blog Dashboard - wordpress hosting
Thank for visiting,

Thursday, 28 August 2014

How to install wordpress on BlueHost – Wordpress tutorial

BlueHost is one of the best Wordpress hosting platforms. In past I shared articles on install wordpress on Hostgator. Install wordpress on locally. Now in this tutorial you can get basic idea for install wordpress on BlueHost. Before you start and choose yours best hosting platform, you have an idea of free domain, Support service, Bandwidth, Disk space, Network Uptime, plan price.

For all these criteria, BlueHost is one of the best hosting platforms for wordpress blog or website.

Below link, helps to study about all best hosting platform. With comparisons and users reviews.

Useful: wordpress hosting sites – 2014 best hosting platform

Steps to install wordpress on BlueHost: wordpress website or blog

Step 1 - install wordpress on BlueHost

You can buy any hosting plan online. After you have registered domain name and password in BlueHost. Go login Screen through below link,

Enter in cPanel after successful submiting domain and password.

Wordpress installation on bluehost - login screen

Step 2 - install wordpress on BlueHost

You next screen is cPanal. using cPanal, you can install wordpress setup in one click.
Wordpress installation on bluehost - install screen
Software service > Wordpress

Step 3 - install wordpress on BlueHost

After step 2, you next screen is to install wordpress.

Wordpress installation on bluehost - install screen
For first time, new installation click start button
To import external wordpress setup select import.

Follow the next step with correct details in your next screen like,
• Domain name of blog or website
• Name of website
• username
• password
• email address

Using this username and password you can manage your wordpress blog or website.

Useful: How to choose best domain name: Domain registration sites

Now submit you’re all the details after successful installation.

Step 4 - install wordpress on BlueHost

To login your link must be:


To know more plugins installation, SEO on wordpress, Theme installation. Touch with use through Facebook, twitter and Google+.

covered questions for this post ,
wordpress install on bluehost - 2014
how to install wordpress on hosting server
How publish wordpress website on bluehost

Don't miss to share this article and add your suggestion in below comment box. We will be glad to assist you.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

List of best social networking sites for SEO and online marketing – in 2014

Top best Social networking sites for SEO and online marketing helps to improve your business over worldwide without any money investment. Here you can get top best social networking sites in 2014. Using this list you can share your business offer and website/blog article in a click. More over the social media guarantee to promote your business advertise through the small amount package. Facebook recently share your business online through advertisement, Using Facebook ad credit you can make your ad in low budget. You minded top 4 to 5 best popular sites in 2014, But you can get whole popular social networking sites list of 2014.

All the SEO masters always connect with strong relation on social media networking sites. Who have four digit numbers of friends in single account? You have any suggestion on this comment in below comment box.

Using Social networking sites you can get primary traffic from another country easily.

Useful: best affiliates program in USA (United State) UK (United Kingdom) – Make money Online.

Best Social Networking Sites in 2014

Best social Networking sites in 2014 for SEO and online marketing: Benefits

1. Facebook

Facebook is number one positioned in social networking sites in 2014. Facebook is also at number one position for SEO masters. You can share your business ideas and new online using, Facebook pages, Groups and profile post.
Alexa rank: 2
Facebook at number one position, registered users are in millions and its increasing day to night.

2. Twitter

Twitter has also millions of users over worldwide. You can connect with your twitter friends with 140 character text size message. Most of the iconic person always connecting with twitter. Millions of twitter account includes business, personal accounts.
Alexa Rank: 9

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is only providing interface for professionals over the world wide. LinkedIn users are more than 120 millions. Using these sites you can share your company profile over the world.
Alexa Rank: 12

4. Google+

Since 2011, Google launched own social site, Google+. Google+ gives option to make own group in on click. You can share your Website/blog in just one click to the entire groups.
Alexa Rank: 1

5. Digg

Digg allows sharing your article/ website/ blog link and video with millions of users. Digg providing hundred plus topic list, To share message link and video. Using Digg you can get more traffic from US and UK.
Alexa Rank: 481

6. StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon gives option to share video link/webpage link and picture over the internet. StumbleUpon internet society makes feel free to share and like webpage rate in single click.
Alexa Rank: 159

7. FriendFeed

FriendFeed is sharing post with friends like Facebook. But the limitations are ahead, you can’t create pages, Groups.
Alexa Rank: 1948

8. Empire Avenue

Empire Avenue helps to increase friend list from Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Moto behind Empire Avenue is that you can connect with more number of platforms from single account and connecting with hundreds of people from single account.
Alexa Rank: 3120

9. YouTube

YouTube is third ranked video sharing site over worldwide. Simple uploading and registration process make any professional to share video. From there you can get more traffic with video presentation and link engagement.
Alexa Rank: 3

10. Reddit

Reddit categorized your post topic with hundreds of main topic and subtopic. Reddit gives valuable traffic in your website or blog with correct post title and content.
Alexa Rank: 56
This is list of Best social networking sites, You can add more sites in above list by suggesting in below comment box.

Conclusion: finest social networking sites get whole idea of blog visitors and readers through likes, fans count, and Followers. Strong relations with all above most excellent social networking sites make you more success in future. So do posting and commenting on social site’s pages and groups.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Best 10 SEO plugins for wordpress Website/Blog – Most popular SEO plugins

Are you finding best SEO plugins for WordPress website or blog? Most of the newbie’s have questions which SEO plugins is best for me. On google you can get hundreds of result on best SEO plugins for WordPress. That might be confusing which is best for me. I categorized on my experience, just finding best SEO plugins. I founded common SEO plugins in all different websites and forms. Here I am sharing top best and essential wordpress SEO plugins, So You must have to install it. Basic plugin installation guide is given in below link.

Top most best SEO plugins for WordPress in 2014

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast – SEO plugin

WordPress SEO by Yoast plugins use to follow the SEO rules for each post in your blog. Using this SEO plugins you can get idea of SEO score, which your will publish. That means “SEO by Yoast” gives SEO score before publish your post.
Simply, SEO by Yost plugins measure SEO score of each post. This plugins gives result in low, poor, and Good.
Features of Yoast
Recommend WordPress version: 3.5 or higher
You can check installation guide, Screenshots, Users reviews, and developer info from the below link,
WordPress SEO plugins - Yoast
WordPress SEO plugins - Yoast

2. All in one SEO pack – SEO plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - All in one SEO
All in one SEO pack is very useful for WordPress. Using this plugin, you can get Google analytics support, Canonical URL (Best URL for post), Security features, and META tag generation automatically, avoid duplicate content.
Features of One in SEO pack
Min. WordPress version: 3.3 or higher
WordPress SEO plugins - All in one SEO
WordPress SEO plugins - All in one SEO
More information on one in SEO pack visit below link,

3. Simple URL – SEO plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - Simple URL
Simple URL helps on URL change. When auto generated URL will change, old URL over the web gives 301 errors on page. To rollback this things and manage old URL automatically using Simple URL plugin.
Simple URL helps to store updated URL in Database and call old URL when you update recent URL.
Simple URL saves from bed impression on Top search engine. So at the end you will never lose SEO of your WordPress site.
Features of Simple URL
WordPress SEO plugins - Simple URL
WordPress SEO plugins - Simple URL
Min. recommend version: 3.0 or higher

4. Breadcrumb NavXT - SEO Plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - Breadcrumb NavXT
Breadcrumb NavXT is known for page navigation. Visitors visiting your page, Breadcrumb generate tree structure for that page. Breadcrumb is showing category and all subcategory under the main category in sequence. That must be increase google SERP page rank.
Features of Breadcrumb NavXT
Min, WordPress version: 3.7 or higher
WordPress SEO plugins - Breadcrumb NavXT
WordPress SEO plugins - Breadcrumb NavXT
To know more and download:

5. SEO friendly image - SEO Plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - SEO friendly Images
SEO friendly image helps to increase traffic from the search engine result. For that you have to give image title, Alter tag. This plugin helps to give direct alt and title tag inside image attribute.
Features of Breadcrumb NavXT
Min, WordPress version: 2.7 or higher
WordPress SEO plugins - SEO friendly Images
WordPress SEO plugins - SEO friendly Images
To know more and download:

6. WP super cache - SEO Plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - WP super cache
WP super cache WordPress plugin generate static page from your dynamic WordPress website. This will decrease server request on each user visit. This will increase visitors and page speed.
WordPress SEO plugins - WP super cache
WordPress SEO plugins - WP super cache
Features of Breadcrumb NavXT
Min, WordPress version: 3.0 or higher
To know more and download:

7. W3 Total cache – SEO plugin

WordPress SEO plugins - W3 Total cache
W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin will optimize wordpress blog or website. Faster website load speed increase Pageviews, search visibility on search engine result. Most of the hosting sites also recommend w3 Total cache plugin: iPage, BlueHost, HostGator.
Features of Breadcrumb NavXT
Min, WordPress version: 3.2 or higher
WordPress SEO plugins - W3 Total cache
WordPress SEO plugins - W3 Total cache
To know more and download:

8. Use Google Libraries – SEO plugins

wordpress SEO plugins - Use Google Libraries
Use Google Libraries WordPress plugins use google AJAX libraries API. WordPress also use java script and Jquery. WordPress blog load each time from hosted server in each request. But AJAX libraries are doing load faster than load from the WordPress root directories. So it will increase page load speed.
Supported libraries:
• Dojo
• swfobject
• MooTools
• Prototype
• JQuery
• JQuery UI
Features of Use Google Libraries
Min, wordpress version: 2.9.1 or higher
wordpress SEO plugins - Use Google Libraries
wordpress SEO plugins - Use Google Libraries
To know more and download:

9. SEO Plugin by SQUIRRLY – SEO plugin

wordpress SEO plugins - SEO plugin by SQLIRRLY
SEO plugin by SQUIRRLY WordPress SEO plugin make your WordPress website content friendly. This SEO plugin connect relation with WordPress post to search engine keyword.
Using this plugin you might be increase traffic 280% in minor hard work. Track your progress.
Features of Use Google Libraries
Min, wordpress version: 3.3 or higher
wordpress SEO plugins - SEO plugin by SQLIRRLY
wordpress SEO plugins - SEO plugin by SQLIRRLY
To know more and download:

10. Google XML sitemap – SEO plugin

wordpress SEO plugins - Google XML sitemap
Google XML sitemap plugins for WordPress website/Blog generate sample map for search engine. From this sitemap you can get list of links included posts and pages url in simple XML file. Google XML sitemap is update on daily time basis. So your whole blog update in top search engine. That must increase google page index in search result. Pagerank also affects the Google XML sitemap.
Features of Use Google Libraries
Min, wordpress version: 4.0.5 or higher
wordpress SEO plugins - Google XML sitemap
wordpress SEO plugins - Google XML sitemap
To know more and download:

Useful: How to install WordPress plugin in WordPress - All Alternate ways.

Conclusion: This is the best Wordpress SEO plugins, you must have to install it to get more traffic, Pageviews and pagerank directly from the google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. All WordPress SEO plugins is one time installation, after that you don’t have to install in future.
So, Feel free and comment in below comment box if have any problem and suggestion.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Google authorship in your wordpress website – How to Verify

Google authorship is more important, In this tutorial you gets the whole idea about google authorship. Google authorship increases your search visibility in top most search engine. Here I telling about benefits of google authorship, How to verify google authorship? , Google authorship for WordPress website. As a result you will get your google+ profile photo in Google search engine result with your website.

This one time process makes link with your WordPress website to your google+ profile. after that you will get your profile picture with your website title in google search engine result.

Don’t miss: Google Adsense alternatives in 2014 for Blog.

You can do whole Google authorship process in three simple steps,

1. Add Your WordPress Website URL in Google profile
2. Add author link in WordPress website code (Header.php file)
3. Test your website URL for testing
After completing above 3 steps, You are done Google authorship.

Steps to apply Google authorship on WordPress website

Step 1
Open your google profile account, after verifying with Email address.
To verify with Email Address:

Google authorship with Google plus profile - step 1
Google authorship with Google plus profile - step 1
After Email verification, Open Google+ profile:

Add your WordPress Website URL for Google authorship - step 2
Add your WordPress Website URL for Google authorship - step 2
Enter New Link with Website title and Website URL

Added Website URL for Google authorship in Google+profile - step 3
Added Website URL for Google authorship in Google+profile - step 3
Save the changes.

Step 2

Now your next step should be added author link in your WordPress website code.
Copy the below link, Change Google+ ID in href tab link.

<link rel="author" href="" />

Paste above line in <head> section. In header.php file.

Add Google authorship link in Wordpress website - step 5
Add Google authorship link in Wordpress website - step 5
Given in below,

Step 3

Now 85% job has been done. Open below link and enter your website URL.
Rich Snippets Testing Tools:
Click on "Preview" button.

Google authorship testing for Google search engine result
Google authorship testing for Google search engine result
Now your result looks like in above,

Advance guide: your blog serves guest posting, you can use yoast seo plugins for individual author. in result you can get correct authorship in google search result.

In this plugins you have to simply add different google plus author code for each post.

Useful: How to choose best domain name?
What is a Google Adsense revenue sharing site?

Don’t miss to share and comment your suggestions in below comment box. 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

How to get Website traffic in Website/blog - speedy way

Traffic on blog or website (Website Traffic) not easy task without applied some basic steps give in this article. Here I am discussing on, How to get traffic over internet for your blog or website? Ways to archive organic traffic from top search engine. How to increase Website index in search result? How to increase traffic, Pageviews on hosted website? To get the whole solution on website ranking, cover below points.

Don't miss: Best wordpress SEO plugins for your website/Blog for batter indexing and pagerank update.

Steps to increase website traffic in speedy way – Increase SEO Score

Increase Website Traffic
Increase Website Traffic
For the newbie on the web have many hard tasks, Find topic, Create fresh quality content, Share on social media, Keyword Research (Popular keywords), SEO optimization.
Useful: List of best SEO plugins for wordpress website.

1.Be regular – To get Website traffic

Be patient - Follow simple steps and update website
Professional Blogger always tries to keep own blog or website up-to-date time to time. Reason is simple, Google keep your blog alive on search engine. You will not get your blog or website index down in future. So top of the most blogger suggest that, Update your blog regularly.
Be patient - Follow simple steps and update website
Be patient - Follow simple steps and update website

2. Content Quality

Content helps in future after posting meaning full and unique article in your blog or website. Google algorithms made for find unique article, Moves visitors on best result. Content Quality may be down through the copied images from others, without copying text over others.
Quality king in website Traffic
Quality king in website Traffic

3. Website index

Website index helps to keep up in google search engine result page. If you have a good reputation with search engine, you can get google website index. Reputation on Top best search engine must be increase, submitting your post URL on best search engine.
Backlinks on Website Traffic
Backlinks on Website Traffic
Here you can submit your website URL to top popular search engine:
Index in Google
Index in Bing/Yahoo

4. Social networking sites: direct website traffic from social media websites

Now a day’s hundreds of social media can be use for sharing your article. Using social media you can target visitors as of your requirement. Most of the businesses always find clients over worldwide.
Through the social media you can impress your client with exciting post title. Now a day thousand of websites, Mashable, Thereachest, are getting huge traffic over the social media.

You can get helps for website traffic, top most social sites are, Google+, twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon.
Benefits from social media
Benefits from social media

5. Online forms and Q/A sites

Question Answer form also deserve best techniques, to get huge website traffic/Blog traffic. Using this way you can ask your readers on any important question and gives satisfied answer in reply.
Most popular Q/A sites to diverse website traffic on your websites are, stack overflow,,
Any suggestion on Q/A site's list than comment in below comment box.

6. Spotlight on keyword

Content quality is king and keyword in queen. Without this combination you can’t get meaning full result on website traffic. WordPress give very useful keyword tools. Using these tools you can get perfect keyword related to your post and article.
This keyword connects your website/blog directly with your blog.
Most popular Keyword in visitor's mind > Search in google with keyword > used keyword get your website on google search result page.
Your job is done.

7. Regular comment

Commenting enhance your website visibility. Using this trick you get meaning full people, who are interested your skill that’s comment in others blog article.
Using this way you can build backlinks and increase pagerank also.

Best way to built organic backlink for your website/blog.

Comment Your Speech on other - Get Website Traffic
Comment Your Speech on other - Get Website Traffic

8. Internal links

Internal links make crowd over web. In this your website link refers another link which is your own websites link. More number of internal links is good for your blog/website.
Benefits are,

  • Improve in pagerank
  • Index ranking
  • Boost Pageviews number/ reduce Bounce rate

Best URL - Impressive Traffic
Best URL - Impressive Traffic
Keep old post, front of web
Guest posting open in your Website/Blog

9. Guest Posting - Website Traffic inmproves

Regular and high quality backlinks are coming from top best sites. In this, you have to submit your article on another website/Post as a guest article. From there you can get traffic on your website.
Guest Posting - Website Traffic improves
Guest Posting - Website Traffic improves
You can make your own big image and writer personality in free of cost.

10. Domain Name/ URL selection

Impressive domain always makes good reputation in front of visitors and search engine. Meaning full URL make hidden relation with your content.

Domain selection is the most important point and first step of blogging and website building.

Useful: Here I guide on, How to choose best domain name: Domain registration sites.

Final word: Keep bookmarks all the points in your mind, follow the simple rule to get organic website traffic on your blog/websites.
Don’t miss to share and comment in below comment box related to this article.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Youtube Video Download- How to download youtube videos 2014

How to install wordpress plugin in wordpress website or blog – for learners

WordPress is best platform for CMS. You can get actual use, using WordPress plugins. This day you can get hundreds of very useful plugins on WordPress official site. after searching best plugins you have questions on "How to install WordPress plugins", “install WordPress plugin without ftp”, “install WordPress plugin using ftp”,” install WordPress plugin from dashboard”. In this tutorial I will try to define easiest way to explain using step by step guide.

What is WordPress plugin? And Basic role of WordPress plugin

WordPress plugin is small software that must be available in zip file format. You can extend functionality of your WordPress website after installing it. You want to install plugin from dashboard without extract else using FTP, you must have to extract it.
Ex: basic WordPress plugins are available for SEO, Spell checker, XML, Comment, image and many more.

Ways of install WordPress plugins

1. Using WordPress dashboard (Recommended it first, personally)
2. FTP

Install WordPress plugins – Using WordPress dashboard

Step 1
Open your WordPress dashboard with your username and password. After logged, you can manage your WordPress blog functionality and customization. One of them is install WordPress plugins.

Step 2
From the left side of your screen select plugins. Under the plugins option you can see sub options.

1 Open plugins screen to add new plugin
1 Open plugins screen to add new plugin
1. Installed plugins: Already installed plugins can be view there; from there you can uninstall or change plugins settings easily.
2. Add New: in this option you can add or install new plugins directly in WordPress website.
But there are many ways to find appropriate plugins as of your decision.

From their most popular search options are,
• Search in text box with plugin name and keyword
• Direct search from cloud label at bottom of the page
• Find with most popular, Upload, Featured, Favorites, newest link at top of the page
Here I am finding WordPress plugin for SEO, after click on search Plugins your result should be given in below.

2 Search With name of plugin
2 Search With name of plugin
3 Search result of wordpress plugin
3 Search result of wordpress plugin

To install selected plugin, click on install now link given there,
After click on install now link, you can see the message for verification.

4 verification message before install wordpress plugins
4 verification message before install wordpress plugins
Click on activate button

5 Activate plugins screen
5 Activate plugins screen
Wait for till installation done, after completing plugin installation installed plugin shown under “Installed plugins” screen

6 Recently Installed Plugins Screen in your dashboard
6 Recently Installed Plugins Screen in your dashboard
Now your job is done.
From installed plugins screen, you can uninstall or deactivate to remove plugins from your WordPress website.

Install WordPress plugins – Using FTP

For technical person WordPress plugin install using FTP is very easy job. For that you have to simply download plugin file (zip file format).
Step 1
Extract this ZIP file and convert it into folder.
Step 2
Upload whole folder under /wp-content/plugins/ using FTP.

7 Install plugin using FTP - Wordpress
7 Install plugin using FTP - Wordpress
Step 3

8 Installed plugin using FTP - Wordpress
8 Installed plugin using FTP - Wordpress
After uploading folder files using FTP, go under installed plugins tab you can see recently installed plugin. See in below image
Now simply activate it.

9 Activate plugin after uploaded through FTP
9 Activate plugin after uploaded through FTP
We wish that you can do using this tutorial, any problem related to this post than comment in below comment box.

Thanks for visiting and sharing (Below social buttons)

Monday, 18 August 2014

Finding a picture's location (URL) in Google+ Photos or Picasa-web-albums

This article is about how to find the URL (web-address) of a picture that is stored in Picasa web albums.  It is written for Blogger users, but the same technique can be used by anyone who uses Picasa-web-albums.

Google+ Photos, Picasa-web-albums and your PC

finding the http www location for image files in picasa or google photos
An introduction to Picasa. describes the relationship between Picasa and Picasa-web-albums.  A key difference between is that :
  • Picasa is a program, written by Google, which runs on your PC even when it's not connected to the internet, and 
  • Picasa-web-albums is a Google program that you use through your web-browser and some accompanying space on the internet where your pictures can be stored.
  • Google+ Photos is another Google program that you use through a web-browser (Chrome, FireFox, Internnet Explorer, Safari, etc), and a space on the space on the internet where you can keep pictures.   
Both Picasa-web-albums and Google+ Photos use the same space on the internet to store photos for each person.    This means that if there are features (eg finding the URL of an individual photo) that are not  available in one program, then you can just use the other program instead.

This means that each and every picture in your Piscasa-web-albums has a unique URL, ie web-address, where it can be found.

How to find the URL of a picture in Google+ Photos or Picasa-web-albums

  • If you are re-directed to Google+ Photos, either follow the Return link - or use the approach described here to return to Picasa-web-albums.
  • Find the album which contains the picture you want to find the web-address for.

  • Click on the album to open it. 
    Note:  each album has one picture, usually the first one loaded, set as the cover.   Be careful to actually open the album, and not just work with the album cover, because the URL for it is not the same as the URL for the picture.

  • Click on the picture you want:  it will open in a large "photo" view


  • Click on "Full details page" in the right-hand bar.
    This opens the picture in a new browser window or tab.
    Copy the contents of the address bar in this new window - this is the URL of the photo..


  • Right-click on the picture once you're in "photo" view, and choose the appropriate option for your browser.   In the current versions, this is:

    Chrome: Copy image URL
    Safari: Copy image address
    Internet Explorer: Properties > Copy the URL address shown
    Firefox: Copy image location

Job done!   
The web-address of the photo is now in your computer's clipboard, and can be pasted into other places where you might need to use the photo's URL, eg in adding a photo to a post, or as a gadget.

Related Articles:

Showing a picture as a gadget in Blogger

How to put a photo into a blog-post

Understanding Google accounts

An introduction to Picasa

How to filter and find latest YouTube video from YouTube search engine –

For To Find latest YouTube video,, world's largest video channel provides best service to get perfect latest video online. Most of the peoples don't know about this best YouTube service. So people don't use this service. Here i guide on How to find latest video.
How can search recent YouTube video with all searching options?

Steps to filter latest YouTube video from

How to get latest YouTube Video by Filter
How to get latest YouTube Video by Filter

Step 1
Go and open:

Step 2
If you are finding latest video on "American idol best performances". in the query result from YouTube search. You will find the thousands of result related to American idol video.
Now in this time you can't find perfect latest video.
You will get most popular video that is too old. Now you are worry about.
How to find latest video,
• Before someday,
• Yesterday
• Last 7 Days,
• Last Hour, so on
As you want to find you can search any of them. Given in below link,
Tips to find the latest youtube video by Time
Tips to find the latest youtube video by Time

1. Filter YouTube Video on Uploaded Date

In this YouTube filter option you can search on Last Hour, Today, This week, this month, and this year.
This filter option helps remove all videos, that are dummy and not latest videos.
Many people are publishing video for future event before that time. Only to get more views and Earn Money on that video.
But this option helps to remove these videos from your YouTube search result.

2. Filter YouTube Video on Result Type

In this YouTube filter option you can search on video, Channel, Playlist, Movie, Show.

3. Filter YouTube Video On Duration

In this YouTube filter option you can search on Short, Long.
Short option gives results for 4 minutes videos.
Long option gives results for 20 minutes videos.
Tips to find the latest youtube video
Tips to find the latest youtube video

4. Filter YouTube Video on Features

In this YouTube filter option you can search on HD, CC, Creatives Commons, 3D, Live, Purchased.

5. Filter YouTube Video on Short By

In this YouTube filter option you can search on Relevance, Upload date, view count, Rating.
Let's start to find from updated YouTube videos from millions of updated videos.

You got the below Question in this post,
Find and Filter perfect video in YouTube
Advance option for YouTube Video search
Video filtering in YouTube online

You have any suggestions related to this post than comment on below comment box. feel free and share this post with your friends.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

What is a Google adsense revenue sharing site?

Google adsense revenue sharing site is the best way to earn money as a side income from the other sites continuously. Google adsense program mostly working on most of the popular sites one of them is Google adsense revenue sharing site. Revenue sharing site give opportunity to earn income from other popular blog or website passing through google adsense. So here I explained on what is the actual meaning of google adsense revenue sharing site? And why we use Google adsense revenue sharing sites?

What is Google adsense Revenue Sharing sites- Define
What is Google adsense Revenue Sharing sites- Define

What is Google adsense revenue Sharing Site?

Here you can find hundred of Adsense revenue sharing sites on internet, if you have adsense account than you can place (Submit) your ad code on this websites with your meaning full work related to site. Here all the sites are on different topic like photos, music, Videos, Books, Articles, Hobbies ect.

Way we have to use Google adsense Revenue sharing sites?

It is the way of credit earning income in large flow from top most sites where millions of people visitors on each and every day. At the end of your ads can see all the visitors who are visiting on those types of revenue sharing sites.

After that you can earn some percentage of total adsense income which ratio is quite different for all other Google adsense revenue sharing sites.

Most of the Google adsense revenue sharing sites providing earning of 25:75 ratios. Here 4th part of total income you have to earn. I listed Google adsense revenue sharing sites with ratio of earning given in below.

Here you can find revenue sharing site in all categories like Photography, Fashions and Beauty, Education, Learning, Travel, Arts, Blogging, Foods, Culture ect.

So finally you can visits below top 10 Adsense revenue sharing site and also own Earning programs rules to participate in Google adsense revenue sharing programs.
So let’s enjoy with selecting your best revenue share in percentage and pagerank in 2014.

Revenue shares in percentage: 50%, PR: 8
Revenue shares in percentage: 50%, PR: 7
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 6
Revenue shares in percentage: 60%, PR: 6
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 6
Revenue shares in percentage: 50%, PR: 5
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 5
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 4
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 4
Revenue shares in percentage: 100%, PR: 4

Useful: Best Affiliates programs in US and UK - Making money online

Related Search:
Google adsense revenue sharing
What is Google adsense revenue sharing?
How work Google adsense revenue sharing sites?
Define Google adsense revenue sharing for Guest posting.

Don’t miss the share this useful article with your friends. You have any suggestion and want some helping guide on this tutorial “Google adsense revenue sharing sites” please post in below comment box. We will be glad to assist you.

Friday, 15 August 2014

How to install wordpress on Hostgator Step by Step

Install wordpress on Hostgator is beautiful experience to host your blog or website. So each blogger and website developers are try to find steps for install wordpress on Hostgator. So here i am sharing article on how to install wordpress on Hostgator in step by step guide.

If you have any problem, To install wordpress on Hostgator than comment in bellow comment box. So let's we are starting for to install wordpress on Hostgator in step by step guide given in below.

Benefits to choose Hostgator host for wodpress blog orwebsite.

• Free domain
• Unlimited Hosting space
• Unlimited Bandwidth
• Unlimited Emails
• 24 x 7 customer support
• Quick Install
• Cheap Hosting Plans: $3.95/month
• 45 days money beck guarantee

Steps to install wordpress on Hostgator

Wordpress install on Hostgator is much easy as compare to other. Wordpress alternatives are drupal, Joomla, magento might be taken more time to built website or blog. Here you can start your blog in 5 minutes and just in 1 click installation.
So let's start wodpress install on Hostgator guide in one click.
In Wordpress host on Hostgator, for your blog or website You have need perfect domain name.
To know, How to choose best domain name: Domain registration sites

Step 1 - Install WordPress on Hostgator

Purchase best hosting plan from its official site:
You will receive Hostgator mail in your register email ID. From that email id with the details of your Cpanel link.
Do login with submitted User name and password with registered yourself.
Now open Cpanel with given link in your mail.
Cpanel > Software/Services > Fantastico de Luxe

Step 2 - Install WordPress on Hostgator

Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 2
Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 1

Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 2
Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 2
Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 3
Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 3
Image credit,

Now, you next screen should be looks like in below image,
Select Wordpress to install as a blog or website.
Submit the accurate details of your blog. Because of some changes can create problem in SEO(Search Engine optimization). in this step you have to submit following details,
• Domain name: You can use multiple domain names as a sub domain.
• Admin Username: As admin login in wordpress.
• Password: use for login password.
To open login you have to use below link: www.yourdomainname/wp-admin.
• Admin Nike name
• Admin Email Address To receive updates
• Site of wordpress blog name
• Description: about your blog
Then click on install wordpress.

Step 3 - Install Wordpress on Hostgator

Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 4
Install wordpress on Hostgator step by step guide 4

Now your next screen should be submitting email address to receive latest updates, Data base user name and password in future.

Then click on send email.

Now your Wordpress install on Hostgator successfully done. You can login using user name/password using below link format

Url to login and add in your wordpress dashboard,

Name of your domain name/wp-admin

Now in your next task should be these, Apply different wordpress theme from your dashboard, install external plugins, change blog or website style, and other useful settings.
Useful: Google adsense alternatives in 2014 for Blog or website and adsense revenue sharing site

That can earn extra dollar from your blog or website.
To know more about wordpress installation, SEO strategy on your wordpress blog, way to increase Pageviews and pagerank.